Piedad C. Barillas-Bird
Piedad C. Barillas-Bird graduated from The New York College of Health Professions with her Masters in Science and License in Acupuncture in 2001
Further continuing her education with 6 years of Post-Graduate study of Five Element Acupuncture & Pulse Diagnosis with Lonny S. Jarrett.
Originally from New York, USA - Piedad, has moved to New Zealand to pioneer an integrated approach to merge evolutionary thought, theory and practice of this healing art.
When not in clinic, Piedad also known as Pie has as passion for the outdoors, trail running and mountain biking. Usually there are 3 books going at the same time and continuous research into sports performance and integral consciousness training.
Undergraduate Studies:
Quinnipiac University 1994-1998
Bachelors in Liberal Arts: Psychology